Conferencea 2025-01-29T17:45:11+00:00 Open Journal Systems <p><strong>Conferencea- <span class="JsGRdQ">Virtual International </span></strong><span class="JsGRdQ"><strong>Conferences</strong> </span> is a platform created to publish the research papers of the conferences organized worldwide. We are providing the publication support to the conference organizers in order to make the research available online. </p> <p><strong>Conferencea</strong> platform works for the collaboration between the Academic and Scientific Institutions to publish the conference proceedings. We are also providing the services for indexing of the papers in reputed databases.</p> <p>We invite the conference organizers all over the world to publish the special issues of the State, National and International Conferences, Symposium, Events. </p> <p> </p> <p><strong>Conferencea- <span class="JsGRdQ">Virtual International </span></strong><span class="JsGRdQ"><strong>Conferences is edited by Mr. Steave B.K., </strong></span><strong>Zien Journals Publishing</strong></p> <p> <strong>Address: </strong> 5700 Tennyson Parkway, Suite 300,<br /> Plano, Texas 75024</p> <p><strong> Email:</strong> or</p> BO‘LAJAK O‘QITUVCHILARDA AXBOROT KOMPETENSIYASINI RIVOJLANTIRISHDA AXBOROT-KOMMUNIKATSION TEXNOLOGIYALARINING O‘RNI 2025-01-10T15:00:21+00:00 Muratova Nafisa Baratovna <p>Ushbu maqolada bo‘lajak o‘qituvchilarni axborot kompetensiyasini rivojlantirishda axborot-kommunikatsion texnologiyalarning o’rni va ahamiyati yoritib berilgan.</p> 2025-01-10T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 IDENTIFYING STRUCTURES BASED ON THE REPRESENTATION OF THE TRANSFER FROM EXPRESSIVE METHODS 2025-01-10T15:05:07+00:00 Ganiyev Alisher Islomovich <p>This article presents the pedagogical conditions for the formation of skills for students to be able to analyze analytically in the field of bioinformational technologies and methods of formation of analytical skills in the field of bioinformational technologies. It was also analyzed the conditions under which the process of formation of students analytical analysis skills will be effective and successful.</p> 2025-01-10T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 INNOVATIVE APPROACHES TO SUPPORTING WOMEN'S REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH: MODERN METHODS AND PROSPECTS 2025-01-13T07:58:12+00:00 Gafurova Shakhnoza <p>Women's reproductive health is a crucial component of public health, impacting not only physiological well-being but also psychological and social factors. In recent years, new approaches, technologies, and medical methods have been developed to support women's reproductive health. The advancement of modern medicine, biotechnology, and artificial intelligence has broadened the possibilities for improving reproductive health. This thesis analyzes the innovative approaches and methods used in supporting reproductive health and discusses their prospects.</p> 2025-01-12T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 ИНКЛЮЗИВНОЕ ОБРАЗОВАНИЕ: ПЕДАГОГИЧЕСКИЕ МЕТОДЫ ОБУЧЕНИЯ УЧАЩИХСЯ С ОСОБЫМИ ПОТРЕБНОСТЯМИ 2025-01-17T06:59:15+00:00 Pardayeva Yulduzxon Abdumurot qizi Jumayev Otabek Alisherovich <p>Инклюзивное образование — это подход, направленный на обеспечение образовательных прав всех учащихся, включая лиц с особыми потребностями. Основная цель этого педагогического процесса — масштабная и справедливая организация обучения с учетом индивидуальных особенностей каждого ученика. При обучении учащихся с особыми потребностями используются разнообразные педагогические методы, инструменты и стратегии. Эти методы специально разработаны с учетом физических, интеллектуальных, психологических и социальных особенностей учащихся, что позволяет им эффективно учиться. В реферате обозначены основные направления научной работы, направленной на изучение сущности инклюзивного образования, его базовых принципов, инновационных методов, используемых в образовательном процессе. Данная тема важна для эффективной реализации педагогических методов обучения учащихся с особыми потребностями, улучшения среды обучения и создания равных возможностей для всех учащихся.</p> 2025-01-17T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE: CAN A NEURAL NETWORK REPLACE AN ARTIST? 2025-01-20T06:04:03+00:00 Tatarintseva Irina <p>In recent years, artificial intelligence (AI) has rapidly entered many areas of our lives, from healthcare to finance. One of the most impressive and controversial areas of AI application is art.</p> 2025-01-19T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 PATRIOTISM, MILITARY PATRIOTISM AND MARGINALITY: SOCIAL AND PHILOSOPHICAL ANALYSIS 2025-01-24T16:01:17+00:00 Rahmonov Abrorbek Rustamovich <p>The article analyzes the phenomena of patriotism, military patriotism and marginalization in the context of social philosophy, the factors that determine the phenomenon of marginalization in the context of globalization, the prevention of serious negative consequences for the present, tomorrow and future of Uzbekistan, the stabilization of society and the development of the country, the interaction of the concept of marginality with the concept of patriotism and military patriotism, the causes of marginalization in Uzbekistan, the specifics of implementation, intensive solutions to eliminate its consequences.</p> 2025-01-24T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 PATRIOTISM, MILITARY PATRIOTISM AND MARGINALITY: SOCIAL AND PHILOSOPHICAL ANALYSIS 2025-01-25T09:25:21+00:00 Rahmonov Abrorbek Rustamovich <p>The article analyzes the phenomena of patriotism, military patriotism and marginalization in the context of social philosophy, the factors that determine the phenomenon of marginalization in the context of globalization, the prevention of serious negative consequences for the present, tomorrow and future of Uzbekistan, the stabilization of society and the development of the country, the interaction of the concept of marginality with the concept of patriotism and military patriotism, the causes of marginalization in Uzbekistan, the specifics of implementation, intensive solutions to eliminate its consequences.</p> 2025-01-24T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 ЧАСТОТА ВСТРЕЧАЕМОСТИ АНТИГЕНОВ СИСТЕМЫ АВ0 У НАСЕЛЕНИЯ ГОРОДА ТАШКЕНТА В СУДЕБНО-МЕДИЦИНСКОЕ ОТНОШЕНИЕ 2025-01-25T09:27:14+00:00 Акбарова Г. К. Акбарова Хасанова М. А. <p>Необходимость изучения материала, на основании которого можно было бы сделать выводы о современном распределении групп крови по системе АВ0 у населения города Ташкента, вызвана следующим причинами</p> 2025-01-24T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 BO'LAJAK MUHANDISLARNI TAYYORLASHDA INTEGRATIV YONDASHUV ASOSIDA NOSTANDART TOPSHIRIQLARDAN FOYDALANISH METODIKASINI TAKOMILLASHTIRISH 2025-01-25T09:32:13+00:00 Baratov Joʻraqoʻzi Shukurjon oʻgʻli <p>Ushbu tezisda bo’lajak muhandislarni tayyorlasda inetgrativ yondashuv asosida nostandart topshiriqlardan foydalanish metodikasi takomillashtirish bayon qilingan.</p> 2025-01-24T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 MIRZO ULUGBEK: SHAPING THE GOLDEN AGE SCIENCE IN CENTRAL ASIA 2025-01-25T18:49:26+00:00 Pardaeva Dilshoda Chorievna <p>Mirzo Ulugbek (1394-1449) is a famous astronomer and mathematician of Central Asia who lived in the 15th century, ruler of the Timurid dynasty. Born in Sultaniya, Iran, and raised in Samarkand, Ulughbek was the grandson of Amir Temur , known for his contributions to science and art during his reign. Among his notable achievements was the construction of the Ulugbek observatory in Samarkand, where he conducted astronomical resources and calculations, greatly improving knowledge in this field. His star catalog Ziz-i Sultani meticulously recorded the positions of more than 1,000 stars and remains one of the most accurate star catalogs of the medieval period. Ulugbek's activities in trigonometry and astronomy have influenced the scientific thinking of centuries and have a lasting impact.</p> 2025-01-24T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 SPECIFIC ASPECTS OF USING PROGRAMMED EXPERIENCE IN MUSEUM PEDAGOGY 2025-01-25T19:27:27+00:00 Dadabayev Suhrob Mansurjonovich <p>This article provides recommendations on topical issues of teaching museum pedagogy, the importance of museum pedagogy, issues of using museum exhibits in the application of educational tools, specific problems of museum education, the use of programmed experience in teaching museum pedagogy.</p> 2025-01-25T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 HISTORICAL ASPECTS OF THE KARAKALPAK TV CHANNEL 2025-01-27T13:57:24+00:00 Shaxzada Alimbetova Jumabay qızi <p>Today, our TV channels, which we are viewing using remote control, have gone through a long history and have gained such experience. Television, which has great influence in the media, has the power to convey a certain ideology. The factors that triggered it are not always noticeable. Nevertheless, we want to consider the history of the first TV channel in the territory of the Republic of Karakalpakstan and the problems that have arisen to this day.</p> 2025-01-25T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 NEGATIVE IMPACT OF RELIGIOUS EXTREMIST IDEA ON YOUTH SOCIAL ACTIVITY 2025-01-29T17:45:11+00:00 Akayeva Marapat Abduhalikovna <p>The negative impact of religious extremist beliefs on youth activity in an information society and the impact of various religious organizations on the consciousness of youth in an information society are studied. In an information society, information technologies have a significant impact on the socially sustainable development of human moral education and the constructive activity of information culture.</p> 2025-01-29T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025